I don't know much about Dr. Ray Hawkins, but I was sent this by someone close to me and I wanted to share it.
It seems to me that this time of year is about children, whether out of the pagan/Christian/Judaic Christmas Hannukah season with its Santa Claus magic, lights, and gift giving, or from the birth of the child of the New Year as we head into longer days and time seems reborn. I thought Dr. Hawkins' thoughts were excellent reminders as we bless and cherish our children in our lives.
From Dr. Ray Hawkins:
"I find it difficult listening to parents who berate, belittle and disregard their children and then demand respect from them.
As a parent, you certainly do deserve to be respected and your children need to learn to respect other adults as well. But you must give respect to get it.
Introduce them to your friends in public, ask their opinion on decisions the family is making and let their ideas be truly considered and sometimes followed. Talk to them as you would an equal, not a servant. This starts early in life.
Every 5 year old wants to feel valued by a parent. They want parents to talk to them with respect.
If they see it, they will do it. If they hear it, they will say it. If they get it, they will give it."